Is Home-Schooling Bad for Children?

Ever hear this? “Don’t you want your kids prepared for the real world?” “How are your children socialized?” “Aren’t you overprotecting your children?”

So here’s what some public schools have to offer in the way of teaching about the real world, socialization, and protection.

In the real world, you will never feel excluded because there are no exclusive friendships!

The school will protect your childrenWell, protect your children from your stupid, outdated religious values.

And home is the best place for socialization.

And remember, when asked these questions be sure to ask for a definition of socialization, protection, and real world.


0 Replies to “Is Home-Schooling Bad for Children?”

  1. You know, I never heard these questions growing up, I think they knew better than to insult me. Can’t speak for my folks though, I’m pretty sure they’re siblings were hard on them. Now that I’m the parent I’ve yet to hear any questions about these issues. Same for academics, the quality is too easy to exemplify.

    I did hear from Michael Farris that the new wave of attack is calling us narrow minded and religiously bigoted. Not that using labels like those are accurate, but we do teach right and wrong, good and evil in a very different way than the politically correct public schools do.

    Hi, found you by searching for home schooling, I’m new on the block and look forward to hearing from you more.

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