End Public Health Care Now!

Not only has Canada’s single-payer health care system failed, but it has also been used to oppress and terrorize the population. We were told repeatedly that we “must protect the health-care system!” What nonsense! The health care system was allegedly designed to care for the people, but we’ve seen firsthand in the past two years that the opposite is true. Thousands of delayed or cancelled surgeries, missed diagnoses, and separation from medical care all to protect the system. Many hundreds died, or will die, due to lack of urgent treatment (unless you are the Toronto Chief Medical Officer of Health and can get cancer treatment in about a week).

Field hospitals were built for the surge of Covid patients that never came, then quietly dismantled, all at the cost of millions.

Long-term care centres became death-camps, with the added cruelty of isolation and despair, courtesy of the Ford government and co.

Medical apartheid is now the norm, with the unvaccinated receiving substandard care or no care at all.

Hospital patients were left to die alone because of bureaucratic decrees that had nothing to do with health or disease prevention.

Our system is based upon the lie that civil government can manage health care better than families and individuals can.

In Ontario, OHIP has been in serious trouble for about two decades, when politicians discovered that they could feather their own nests with windmills, solar, and other deals that paid them handsomely, while many suffered. Money was diverted for green energy that will have a long-term detrimental effect on health. You can’t stay healthy if you have to choose between heat and food, which is rapidly becoming the monthly choice for thousands.

Tax funds that could be used in real healthcare has turned palliative and hospice care into euthanasia centres and hospitals welcome children into the world on one floor while children are aborted on another. The faux science of gender reassignment and hormone therapy is fully taxpayer funded, while real illnesses and conditions are only managed. “Managed” when there are actual cures and treatments that are not funded. OHIP physical therapy is more about keeping a child content in a wheelchair than addressing their problem in the first place.

The average citizen cannot go to other countries for treatment, but the bureaucrats and wealthy politicians can. The unvaccinated cannot even leave Canada, even if they found affordable treatment elsewhere.

It is obvious that the only way forward for Canadians is to demand a private component to healthcare, to provide a real choice and an opportunity to stop paying for a dysfunctional, fascist regime of health.

The vision of Tommy Douglas has failed. We can and must do better. The security of the person and the agency of the individual are bedrock rights that are surrendered to social medicine. In our ongoing effort to take rights and freedoms away from the tyrants who usurped them (almost 100% of those in our legislatures and in Ottawa) we must not ask, but demand control over our health.

This will not come easily or without struggle. Universal health-care is something of an idol. It is supposed to be a human right, but that notion was created by people who have no real understand of the difference between a Right and an Entitlement.

Many thousands are at this moment creating a parallel society, including primary health care, that will not ask permission or funding from the government. Be nice to them, you may find that your condition has been de-listed or you are deemed not worthy of treatment.

Universal health care in Canada is a sacred cow. Thing is, sacred cows make good hamburgers.

A New Memorial Day

Today, March 1st, is supposed to be a day of new freedoms in Ontario. These freedoms are being “given” by a government and bureaucracy that has no authority to give, let alone remove them, in the first place.

I propose that March first become a day of memory, a day to remember the loss of so much that will not soon be reclaimed.  It should also be a day to remind those who did this to us:

  1. The loss of faith to fear.
  2. The loss of family
  3. The loss of choice due to the loss of bodily autonomy
  4. The loss of life to a treatable disease
  5. The loss of life due to medical interventions that were inappropriate, unnecessary, and politically driven
  6. The loss of life due to needlessly cancelled surgeries
  7. The loss of free expression and thought
  8. The loss of freedom to travel
  9. The loss of freedom to gather with others
  10. The loss of grandparents
  11. The loss of God-given freedoms and liberties
  12. The loss of trust and respect of science
  13. The lost of what remained of trust in journalism
  14. The loss of integrity in law and political process
  15. The loss of community
  16. The loss of employment
  17. The loss of homes
  18. The loss of education and career opportunities
  19. The loss of confidence in critical thinking
  20. The loss of respect of law enforcement
  21. The loss of the church’s obedience to Christ and witness in the community
  22. The loss of the elderly of the children
  23. The loss of children of their elders
  24. The loss of truth
  25. The loss of well-being: mental, physical, spiritual, and social
  26. The loss of hope
  27. The loss of kindness

It should also be a time to remember the gains:

  1. The gain of wealth by a few at the expense of millions
  2. The gain of power and control over the story of the past two years by a tiny minority
  3. The gain of State authority over every detail of life
  4. The gain of the power of lies
  5. The gain of drug abuse
  6. The gain of suicide
  7. The gain of abuse

I intend to mark the names of politicians and bureaucrats who have inflicted this upon the citizens of Ontario without consequence to themselves. I will send this email each March to each one of them every year.

On Irony

Have you noticed a certain irony in the vaccine mandates? The issue of “bodily autonomy” or “bodily integrity” has come to the forefront. Can the State or an employer demand your submission to a medical procedure, even a vaccine? (In making my case for bodily autonomy, I do not mean the autonomy of the person before God. I mean, the freedom to refuse a medical invasion into their bodies. The requirement to receive a medical treatment for employment, housing, education—to participate in society—autonomy not in the face of God, but of other humans).

The irony is this: since 1973 in the United States and 1969 in Canada, millions of children were denied their bodily autonomy by the medical community, Planned Parenthood, and NGOs. But all involved knew that the killing the “product of conception” is killing a real child. The preborn child is no less a human than a born child or an adult.

Killing an innocent is the ultimate violation of bodily autonomy—there is no consent, certainly no safety—the child has absolutely no opportunity to say, “My body, my choice.” Where is the choice of the preborn? What child would choose to be tortured or burned to death? Does the child voluntarily surrender her organs to labs?

When abortion was legalized in the US, the buzzwords were, “It’s just a blob of flesh,” or “it’s not a human,” “an abortion is just like having a tonsillectomy or an appendectomy.” Where was the scientific community when these false claims were circulating? Certainly, any biologist knew in 1969 and 1973 that these were human babies, not mere blob of flesh. The scientific community let millions of children down and let them die. Many scientists and doctors participated in this lie.

So “my body, my choice” has nearly vanished as a rallying cry for abortion rights. This is good because 1) the phrase was never true. It is obviously a case of the “preborn child’s body, someone else’s choice.” An abortion kills a human. 2) But the phrase is also gone because it is so inconvenient for those who demand state rights over each person’s body. How can, “My body, my choice” help the vaccination cause? It cannot. What has been a battle-cry for the pro-abortion crowd is now unutterable.

So there’s one irony—a decades long demand for bodily autonomy of the mother is now set aside in favour of a demand to submit all to vaccines, even by coercion and force. I don’t have statistics on this, but I would venture to guess that the vast majority of those who demand unrestricted abortions will also demand total restrictions on human liberties, including the liberty to decline a medical procedure.  “My body, my choice” has finally found a home in science, logic, and morality.

But there is even a greater irony here: the demand for the abortions of millions, in the name of bodily autonomy, has brought us to the point where we are fighting for what is lost . . . bodily autonomy!

Yes, we have denied the protection of the body in the womb for so many decades, and God has brought us to this point—where we are finally willing to fight for the protection of the body. This doesn’t apply to non-Christians who are all two happy to surrender their bodies (and yours, and your children’s) to vaccine mandates.

The church, overall, has been complacent in the face of the abortion holocaust. We might make some donations, protest a bit, but we have made little progress. There are, of course, some shining stars. Compare the protesters in Ottawa—they are raging over this issue, and most of them do not even understand that our nation is under the judgement of God. They know deeply that there is a serious problem but are unlikely to identify its source as the idolatrous aspirations of the atheist State. They have lost the rights to their own bodies and can only explain this as Christians.

Because we have permitted abortions, we have surrendered the rights to our bodies. The State can invade the womb, and so it can invade your body too.

Everyone is affected by this war of the State against its people, but it is the church that needs to confess and repent of her sin of complacency. We know why this is happening. When a million people or more didn’t show up to protest abortion, and refuse to leave until it was declared unlawful, we knew how little the church cared. Now it seems that the loss of bodily autonomy for all the born reflects the loss to the unborn.

So what is it, church? Will we be revived and reformed?