The NAR and Postmillennialism

I recently was asked, “What is the difference between the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) movement and Postmillennialism. In preparing an in-depth answer, I stumbled upon this podcast. I don’t recommend a lot of podcasts, because I cannot endorse everything a podcaster says, but this one hits all the points and anything I would say would just be redundant.

This podcast explains what the NAR is all about, its connection to 21st century charismaticsm, and explains what real Postmillennialism is about. This should be an eye-opener to anyone within the charismatic churches, because what is taught by the NAR is outside of Christian orthodoxy, that is, it is absolute heresy. It also counters the charge that Postmillennialism is works-based, and a system that is to take over the world by force.

If you are a bit confused by all this, start the podcast. You don’t need the video feed, just give it a listen.

The Frankfurt Declaration of Christian and Civil Liberties


This is an excellent document. If you are a Christian, please consider reading and signing it.

Full document here.


Christians, Against The Abuse Of Power

In the course of human events, it sometimes becomes necessary for people of good faith to speak out against the abuse of power. This should be done only after serious and prayerful deliberation, and even then, in an attitude of humility and with respect for the authorities that have been established by God. Such protest should be expressed in the hope that civil authorities who are found to be eroding rights and liberties may yet fulfill their responsibility as their rightful guardians.

A few concerned pastors from different continents, moved by an emergent totalitarianism of the State over all realms of society, and particularly the Church, and the disregard of God- given and constitutionally guaranteed rights during the Covid crisis, joined in common cause to craft a solemn declaration, which seeks to address these threats with the timeless truths of God’s Word. The following affirmations and denials, derived from biblical principles, we put forth for consideration by all Christians and relevant authorities, in the hope that this document will give light and strength for faithful witness to Jesus Christ in our day.