Nothin’ Special Sunday

I found this in an old Christian Standard magazine. A little dated, but a great thought!

Some churches have used their weekly church newspaper to advertise “Nothin’ Special Sunday.” With trumpets pictured, the article proclaims:

We will NOT have:

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir

The Robert Schuller Brass Band

Bill Graham as a guest speaker

Hoopla, Doo-Dads, Free Gifts

Ronald McDonald.

Then, in small print, the message continues:

But we will have–

The presence of the living Christ.

The participation together in the ancient feast of bread and the fruit of the vine to celebrate again the death of the Son of God for our sins.

The singing of praises to Almighty God, the fellowship of the body of believers, the church.

The proclamation of the Word of God, declaring the good news of the forgiveness and eternal life.

The prayers of thanksgiving , repentance, and intercession lifted to Go who hears and answers prayers.

The joy of sins forgiven and the renewed strength for living which only God can give.

 Come to think of it, we will have these at the church where I will be this Sunday, too. What about your church? Don’t these make any Sunday “somethin’ special”?

Christian Standard, April 4, 1982.

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